This post is all about ways for learning piano online during the quarantine.
With Coronavirus cases spreading more and more every day, it seems like we will have to live this quarantine life for a long time.
However, this shouldn’t stop you from learning the piano. Music is one of the best ways to cope with difficulties, and playing the piano might be a great way to reduce your stress and anxiety level during these unstable times.
In fact, even without being in quarantine, learning piano online is quite a convenient, popular, and accessible way for beginners. So many people prefer online learning methods over traditional methods.
Online piano lessons give you more flexibility in terms of time/place and freedom in the genres/songs you want to learn.
Here are 4 ways you can learn piano online during the quarantine.
1-Enrolling in Online Courses
If I were to start learning piano today, picking an online course would be my first step. I’m a huge believer in online courses since they guide you through the whole process of learning the piano step by step.
Online courses are mostly categorized for specific skill levels, genres, and teaching methods, which makes them highly effective and productive ways to learn the piano for beginners. As a beginner, you don’t want to spend your time wandering through different videos that confuse you more instead of teaching. You want to make sure that you’re learning everything with correct methods and good instructors that can monitor you and give feedback.
ArtistWorks, Learn and Master Piano, and e-Media Piano Course are some of the top online piano courses you can find online. All of these beginner piano courses are created by professional pianists and piano teachers so I recommend checking them out.
Read my whole review on ArtistWorks Piano Course: ArtistWorks Classical Piano Review: Can It Replace Traditional Lessons?

2-Following Youtube Tutorials
Youtube is another great platform where you can learn the piano for free with video tutorials. Maybe you are not yet sure if you want to continue playing the piano and just want to try it first. In this case, you may not want to invest in a course right away.
In fact, Youtube has some amazing piano channels that create very high-quality video tutorials and educative videos for all levels. These channels are so good that you can ever prefer them over online courses. Read my other post to see some of the best Youtube channels to learn the piano.
Even if you want to learn the piano with an online course, app, or a virtual instructor, you can still follow Youtube tutorials to complement your education!
3-Utilizing Piano apps
While Piano learning apps do not teach you the other complementary piano skills such as sight-reading and music theory that you would learn in a traditional lesson, they make the learning process much more fun.
By utilizing technological advances, they enable you to connect your devices to the app, which provides a more convenient and flexible learning experience. Also, if you have a digital keyboard that you can connect to the app, you can get immediate feedback from the app during your playing.
This method is better if you want to get quicker results by learning to play your favorite songs right from the beginning.
My favorite piano learning app is Skoove. I highly recommend it to beginners who want to play their favorite songs right away without struggling with too much theory at the beginning!
4-Taking Online Piano Lessons With an Instructor
If you want to go with the traditional method, lockdown shouldn’t stop you from doing this!
Due to the pandemic, a lot of piano teachers are now offering their services online. The only tools you need for online real-time piano lessons are a video-conferencing app (Zoom, Facetime, Skype, etc.) and a piano/keyboard!
You can prefer this method if you want to have someone that you can always contact and ask your questions during your learning process. Also, real-time piano lessons provide a more interactive approach, which is worth considering if you learn better with such methods.
For this, I highly recommend Online Music Lessons Today. All the instructors in the platform are university-trained and criminal background checked. Also, they have their own private secure video system to provide you with the safest virtual environment during your lessons. You can create your own lesson schedule with any instructor you want, so their system is quite convenient.
These were the 4 highly effective methods for learning piano during the lockdown.
Lockdown might be a great time to start learning new skills, and this list may help you get started learning the piano at home. Maybe playing the piano will become your life-long hobby, who knows? 😉
Do you think about learning the piano during quarantine? Which method did you like most?
Share in the comments section below!